#iWill Fund Learning Hub: All Blogs and Reports
The #iwill Fund is made possible thanks to £40 million joint investment from The National Lottery Community Fund and the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport to support young people to access high quality social action opportunities. These resources aim to support those who fund and deliver youth social action in making decisions about how to support youth social action, develop their practice and shape future delivery.
All outputs from the #iwill Fund Learning Hub are listed below, ordered by date (from earliest at the bottom to latest at the top).
Data Review 8
This is the eighth and final data review produced by the #iwill Fund Learning Hub. The purpose of these reviews is to synthesise the learning that is being generated and documented by the #iwill Fund and Match Funders with existing and emerging evidence outside the Fund. The scale and variety of youth social action supported by the #iwill Fund represents an unprecedented wave of activity, and these data reviews seek to harness this activity to capture and disseminate valuable learning for the field.
Report on the seventh #iwill Fund Learning Hub Labstorm
This is the seventh and final LabStorm for the #iwill Fund Learning Hub, which took place on 17 January 2022, which featured as its subject how the group of match funders would like to be able to learn in the future.
Data Review 7
Data Review 7 brings together learning generated and documented by the #iwill Fund and Match Funders with existing and emerging evidence outside the Fund, using these findings to understand the scale and variety of youth social action, and how this practice can be further supported.
#iwill Fund Learning Hub Evidence Event Paper
This paper shares insights from presentations and group discussions from an #iwill Fund Learning Hub event for Match Funders on 30 November 2021.
#iwill Learning Hub Data Review 6
This is the sixth data review produced by the #iwill Fund Learning Hub. The purpose of these reviews is to synthesise the learning that is being generated and documented by the #iwill Fund and Match Funders with existing and emerging evidence outside the Fund. These data reviews seek to harness this activity to capture and disseminate valuable learning for the field.
Summary of learning to date
This report summarises the learning from the last three years of #iwill Fund Learning Hub delivery, particularly from the Sector Evidence Plan workstream. It shares emerging conclusions, as well as examples of interesting practice, and next steps.
Report on the sixth #iwill Fund Learning Hub LabStorm
This is a write-up of the recent LabStorm on ‘youth voice’, which the College hosted. It shared conversations on definition and impact of ‘youth voice’, its relationship with youth social action, and how it interacts with existing power structures.
#iwill Learning Hub Data Review 5
This is the fifth data review produced by the #iwill Fund Learning Hub. The purpose of these reviews is to synthesise the learning that is being generated and documented by the #iwill Fund and Match Funders with existing and emerging evidence outside the Fund. These data reviews seek to harness this activity to capture and disseminate valuable learning for the field.
Report on the fourth and fifth #iwill Fund Learning Hub Labstorms
This is the report from two Labstorms that focused on a discussion around funding campaigning as part of youth social action.
#iwill Learning Hub Data Review 4
This is the fourth data review produced by the #iwill Fund Learning Hub. The purpose of these reviews is to synthesise the learning that is being generated and documented by the #iwill Fund and Match Funders with existing and emerging evidence outside the Fund. These data reviews seek to harness this activity to capture and disseminate valuable learning for the field. This paper includes a focus on the disruption and adaptation caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Adaptation and Youth Social Action: The Impact of COVID-19
Revisiting Place in Youth Social Action
Revisiting Place in Youth Social Action (summary)
New Directions for Youth Social Action
#iwill Fund Learning Hub Data Review 1
#iwill Fund Learning Hub Data Review 2
#iwill Fund Learning Hub Data Review 3
Initial Report on the Second Impact Accelerator Cohort
Report on the third #iwill Fund Learning Hub Labstorms
LabStorms were adopted, within the #iwill Fund Learning Hub, to foster ongoing, deeper collaboration between Match Funders, with the aim of enabling a system of effective youth social action funding to be continued beyond 2023.
This report draws out the key themes from the third round of LabStorms for the #iwill Fund Learning Hub, which took place online on 28 October 2020 and involved a smaller group of Match Funders.
Second #iwill Fund Learning Hub LabStorms
This report was produced by the College to provide insight into the second round of ‘LabStorms’ held as part of the Learning Hub in February 2020. LabStorms are collaborative problem-solving exercises that enable #iwill Fund Match Funders to identify and address potentially common problems. The second round of LabStorms involved a discussion on youth voice and a discussion on the concept of place in youth social action.
Organisations Delivering Youth Social Action within the #iwill Fund
Building Confidence: Final Report on the First Impact Accelerator Cohort
Towards A Typology of Youth Social Action
Key learning from the last 12 months
Report on the first #iwill Fund Learning Hub LabStorms
This report was produced by the College to provide insight into the first round of ‘LabStorms’ held as part of the Learning Hub in June 2019. LabStorms are collaborative problem-solving exercises that enable #iwill Fund Match Funders to identify and address potentially common problems. The report explores key learning generated from the discussions and some potential opportunities for funders moving forwards.
Youth Social Action and Outcomes for Young People
Community Benefit and Youth Social Action
Exploring Integration of Youth Social Action and ‘All-Ages’ Social Action
Impact Accelerator Initial Insights
This paper was authored by Generation Change, who led the initial delivery of The Impact Accelerator. The College took on all aspects of delivering this programme in August 2019. This is the initial insights paper for the first cohort, which commenced the Impact Accelerator in October 2018, and have completed nearly half of the 12-month process. It covers insights that have been collected from the first two phases of the Impact Accelerator, along with learning from the recruitment, selection and participation to date of organisations taking part in the scheme.