#iWill Fund Learning Hub: Quality Practice
This work seeks to deepen our understanding of what it takes to deliver quality youth social action.
It illustrates how delivery organisations define ‘double benefit’ and how they attempt to both achieve and measure it, supporting delivery organisations to improve their offer (September 2018 – ongoing). ‘The Impact Accelerator’, delivered by the College, is an intensive process of impact support, challenge and development – 30 organisations took part in this. Learning from these organisations has also been shared more widely to spread knowledge about improvement across the youth social action landscape.
#iwill Fund Impact Accelerator Final Report
This is the final report from the #iwill Fund Learning Hub Impact Accelerator, summarising learning and insights gained over the course of the Impact Accelerator, and offers key recommendations for funders and delivery organisations that wish to embed continuous quality improvement in their work.
Final Report on the Third Impact Accelerator Cohort
This is the final report from the third cohort of organisations going through the Impact Accelerator process. It builds on practice and process insights from the final two stages of the programme (improvement work and final review meetings), including reflections on theory of change, enablers and blockers, and recommendations for Match Funders.
First Report on the third Cohort of the Impact Accelerator
This is the first report from the third cohort of organisations going through the Impact Accelerator process. It includes insights and recommendations for Match Funders in supporting grantees’ improvement, as well as reflections on how Match Funders and grantees can identify learning as projects come to a close.
Final Report on the Second Impact Accelerator Cohort
This is the final report on the improvement journeys of the second cohort to go through the Impact Accelerator programme. This cohort of youth social action organisations began the programme in 2019 and experienced serious disruption due to the pandemic, but maintained focus on the fundamentals of quality programme design and delivery.
Initial Report on the Second Impact Accelerator Cohort
Building Confidence: Final Report on the First Impact Accelerator Cohort
Impact Accelerator Initial Insights
This paper was authored by Generation Change, who led the initial delivery of The Impact Accelerator. The College took on all aspects of delivering this programme in August 2019. This is the initial insights paper for the first cohort, which commenced the Impact Accelerator in October 2018, and have completed nearly half of the 12-month process. It covers insights that have been collected from the first two phases of the Impact Accelerator, along with learning from the recruitment, selection and participation to date of organisations taking part in the scheme.