We believe that this represents the most practical and meaningful way for youth practitioners to understand the effect their work can have on young people. The value of these skills - responsibility, empathy, problem solving, initiative, teamwork and emotion management - lies in the way they can, over time, be applied by young people in other areas of their lives, such as employment, education and health. The College has undertaken extensive research and consultation with the sector in the UK, as well as looking at models and frameworks internationally, to develop the Outcomes Framework 2.0 . This sets out all of the detail and background to our approach, including the connection between increases in social and emotional skill and longer term positive outcomes for young people.
The College does not evaluate the work or projects of single organisations. Our focus is on developing shared approaches to learning and evaluation for the youth sector: we are involved in a number of ‘fund-level evaluations’, where we work with a cohort of organisations all receiving funding from a single source.